Do you own an Appaloosa Sport Horse? Have you been looking for a registry to join? You have come to the right place.
An Appaloosa Sport Horse is a horse of Appaloosa heritage bred to compete in the Olympic disciplines of dressage, eventing and show jumping. As a truly American breed, it is fitting for them to be recognized by the American Warmblood Society and Sporthorse Registry.
In 2014, the Appaloosa Sport Horse Association dissolved. Before it did, the old ApSHA created an affiliation with the AWSSR to recognize Appaloosa Sport Horses and as of July 1, 2014 owners of ApSHA registered horses can register with AWSSR.
Since AWSSR is handling all memberships, registrations and inspections, horses formerly registered with the ApSHA can be transitioned to AWSSR with a Transfer of Registration. There is no cost to transfer! ApSHA horses have been grandfathered into AWSSR. End of year award, new registrations, membership and sale transfer fees do apply.
The goal is for AWSSR to continue what ApSHA also set out to do – recognize the world’s greatest equine athletes.