Recently, AWSSR Western Dressage Coordinator Sharon Booth attended the WDAA World Championship show at Lazy E Arena in Oklahoma with some of her horses. Here are some photo highlights from the trip and a message from Sharon!

Greetings to all and wishing everyone a happy and safe holiday season!  Weather has been a challenge from shore to shore this year, so hopefully we will all find joy and blessings this season and New Year.
 The WDAA World Championship show was an amazing experience again this year. Our AWSSR booth was so much fun, with meeting and educating our equestrian friends on the merits of our registry. We were so happy to get new members, reinstate old members and talk horse with so many individuals enjoying the journey of Western Dressage. The AWSSR proudly helped to sponsor the Friday Night Gala Affair and party for Costume Freestyle Classes, the Warmblood Class Division and also the prizes and buckles for Junior 4th level Division.
The Executive Director of WDAA Dini Swanson and Show Manager Cindy Reid, along with officials, show staff and volunteers, put on the very best of shows. They all represented a group of very hard working individuals who made sure all who came got the very best show experience. We truly thank them all for making it an amazing, great journey with our horses.
My team was hard working and dedicated to the AWSSR booth as well as showing in the classes.  Most gratifying was that our two youngest American Warmbloods received scores,  under some great, tough and correct judges, high enough to be advanced to the permanent registry. As it was their first show ever, we thank Cody Siebert and the three clinics attended for their success.
Hope you enjoy some pictures of the Lazy E show  grounds, arenas, landscapes and  participants taken by our photographer, Debbie Baker.
Have a wonderful New Year and thank your for your interest in the Western Dressage journey for the American Warmblood Society and Sporthorse Registry.