Congratulations to all of our 2018 Classical Dressage Year End Award winners!
Listek and Heather Jans
National Horse of the Year
Opus Dei and Suzette Sontag
Training Level-Open
GOLD-Opus Dei and Suzette Sontag 73.864
SILVER-Cue the Cameras and Elena Flaherty
BRONZE is Ephraim and Jennifer Moyne 68.913
4th is Amity and Cassie Argento-Bird 67.446
5th Matrix and Shira Rosenthal 62.727
Training Level Vintage Cup Adult Amateur
GOLD-Ephraim and Jennifer Moyne 68.913
Training Level Vintage Cup Professional
GOLD-Opus Dei and Suzette Sontag 73.864
First Level Open and Jr/YR
GOLD-Argenta MSF and Ada Ladwig 71.481
SILVER(Open) Opus Dei and Suzette Sontag 68.750
BRONZE Amity and Ashley Shaw
4th Ravenswood and Jeslyn Vaughn
5th Wiittala Theodor and Henriikka Mäkinen
6th Zamara and Bonnie Gorichen

First Level Adult Amateur
GOLD- Ravenswood and Jeslyn Vaughn 65.741
SILVER Zamara and Bonnie Gorichen
First Level Vintage Cup Adult Amateur
GOLD Zamara and Bonnie Gorichen 60.00
First Level Vintage Cup Professional
GOLD Opus Dei and Suzette Sontag
First Level Musical Freestyle
GOLD Zamara and Bonnie Gorichen 64.00
Training Level Adult Amateur
GOLD Ephraim and Jennifer Moyne
SILVER Matrix and Shira Rosenthal
Second Level-no qualified horses
Third Level Open
GOLD Gotham and Sara Stone 70.257
SILVER-Stonewall Good Deal Lady and Kenzie Riddell 64.408
BRONZE Pissarro and Sherry Littlejohn 62.494
4th Solomon and Joanna Fowler

Third Level Adult Amateur
GOLD-Gotham and Sara Stone 70.257
SILVER Pissarro and Sherry Littlejohn 62.494
BRONZE Solomon and Joanna Fowler 61.970
Third Level Vintage Cup Amateur Adult
GOLD Pissarro and Sherry Littlejohn 62.494
SILVER Solomon and Joanna Fowler 61.790
Third Level Musical Freestyle
GOLD-Gotham and Sara Stone 68.183
Third level JR/YR
GOLD Stonewall Good Deal Lady and Kenzie Riddell 64.408
Fourth Level
GOLD-Gotham and Sara Stone
Prix St Georges Open
GOLD Redeeming Grace and Kari Felton 63.746
SILVER Mr M and Jennifer Foulon 63.382

Prix St Georges Adult Amateur
GOLD Mr M and Jennifer Foulon 63.382
Intermediaire I Open, Adult Amateur, and Vintage Cup Adult Amateur
GOLD Listek and Heather Jans
SILVER Joss and Jann Rappe
Intermediaire II Open and Vintage Cup Professional
GOLD Shall We Dance and Heather Mehal 64.934
Grand Prix Open and Vintage Cup Professional
GOLD Shall We Dance and Heather Mehal 61.794